Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Rebellion Leaders & We're Boston Strong!

Work continues on "Last of the Electus" with most character designs complete and the first chapter's script being finalized. Isiah has begun work on the first pages but we have decided that it would be best to partner with a letterer so the search for that talent has started. If you're interested, drop us a line.

Meanwhile, in this post we'll take a look at some of the characters joining Peter Redwood in his quest to topple Discordia's regime. 

First up is Abigail Nayar, leader of the New York City rebel cell. Nayar is a tough, take no prisoners type of leader who has a big secret that Redwood uncovers in chapter two. (Let's just say she's not who she says she is!)

Next up is Master Chief Jon Gage. Gage is the oldest member of the NYC cell, Nayar's chief tactician and a former Navy SEAL teammate of Redwood's. He knew Redwood as a young brash Ensign right out of the Naval Academy and helped to forge him into the leader he became.  In our story, Gage sometimes acts as Redwood's conscious and sounding board. Like many in "Last of the Electus," Gage is also hiding a secret that will be revealed in the course of the story.

Finally, meet Essie. A spunky but street-smart 19 year old, she is the one who finds Redwood locked away in cryo-sleep and accidentally releases him from his icy prison. Wise beyond her years, she is one of Nayar's most trusted troops. Gage rescued her as a toddler from a vampire's assault and trained her to be a warrior; she looks to the Master Chief as a surrogate father. Essie becomes very fond of Redwood after he saves she and a companion from execution in the arena. 
Last but not least for this post, on Saturday April 20th, Lloyd will be at Boston Comic-Con promoting the project. As you all know, Boston suffered a terrorist attack this past Monday during the Boston Marathon killing three and injuring hundreds. The Hynes Center, where Comic-Con is held, is only a few blocks from the site of the attack and tensions are still running high in the city. In this region though, we're Boston Strong and refuse to let these terrorists change our way of life so thankfully the Con goes on as scheduled. 

Look for Lloyd at the event passing out stickers with this image of Redwood battling a Minotaur in the arena, which is the first color image for "Last of the Electus."

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